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In 2015, the Northside Development Group initiated an owner occupied rehabilitation program to support emergency and minor repairs needed by existing homeowners lucky777 online live casino gamesin the Cleveland Heights area. The Northside’s Cleveland Heights Neighborhood Improvement Program (CNIP) provided opportunities for homeowners to receive repairs. In addition to funding from a five-year forgivable loan, eligible homeowners also received assistance from volunteer groups such as AFL Global and The Episcopal Church lucky777 online live casino gamesof the Advent. While this program has ended NDG now participates in alternative programs that offer home repairs.

In 2019, NDG became eligible to access the SC State Housing Finance and Development Authority’s Housing Trust Fund Emergency Repair Program. Homeowners may qualify for up to $10,000 in emergency repairs such as roofing or heating and air.

NDG is now accepting applications for future projects. If you are interested in applying or wish to seek further information, please call NDG at (864) 598-0097.

